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Le Mot

Le Mot is a fantastic resource for improving and broadening one's French vocabulary; it is similar to Wordle but in French. If you are lucky and fluent in more than one language, you can play two of the classic Wordle games in one day using this updated version.

The History Of Le Mot's Creation 

It all started with the developer, who used Vanilla JS to create a distinctive French version of the well-known Wordle game. "Le Mot," the name of the game, is a creative wordplay that starts with "WORD-Le => Le-WORD => Le-MOT!" The appealing phrase "One Word, One Day" was created by the inventor with influence from the French TV program "One Book, One Day," which gives the game's title even more charm.

How to Engage in Le Mot 

  • Take on the exciting challenge of correctly identifying Le Mot in only six tries. 
  • The game is made more difficult by permitting conjugated verbs and plurals in this French version of Wordle, which adheres to the Scrabble rules.
  • The letters' colors change with each guess to show how well your response matches the daily word, making it a fun and interactive guessing game.

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